Five sections/galleries featuring digital and analogue artworks. The imagery uses my own face in multiple methods. Most recent work melds my face with natural elements and with AI generated characters. These images explore concepts of identity and understanding of self.
New work in identity. These pieces have not yet been assigned to a series. So in progress art.
"Planetary Sisters" films using AI generated personae who are melded with my self portrait to become identities unto themselves
"Planetary Sisters" born through a melding of my face and AI generated personae. “Planetary Sisters” is my most recent series, using AI, expanding my eight year project “Portrait of a Woman.” The sisters meld my aging human face and the female entities born with AI. I use self portrait and word prompts, describing my aspirational and earthbound self. Each sister transforms my human essence into a cosmic personae who is a combination of human and AI characteristics.
My identity and self is changed melded with plant elements and edited to become personae that are an extended me.
Artworks that gave a glimmer of the future art. These pieces are the seeds to the now.